The renovation plan of 50,000 old residential areas brings new development opportunities for the field of community charging

Updatetime:2023-03-01 Views:728

As the most promising clean energy in the 21st century, hydrogen energy is an important part of the future national energy system and an important carrier for energy terminals to achieve green and low-carbon transformation. However, under the background of "carbon peak and carbon neutralization", the traditional smelting process based on "carbon metallurgy" has been unable to adapt to the future development trend, which brings great challenges to the development of the steel industry. On September 2, at the first World Hydrogen Metallurgy Technology Exchange Conference, the founding of the joint work of hydrogen metallurgy standards, Yu Yong, Vice President of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, President of the World Iron and Steel Development Research Institute, and Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hegang Group, believed that with carbon peaking and carbon neutralization becoming the main theme of global industrial development, the traditional development mode of the steel industry must be deeply changed. Facing the future, the application of hydrogen energy, especially hydrogen metallurgy, is one of the best ways to achieve "low carbon" and even "zero carbon" emissions in the iron and steel industry, whether it is energy structure innovation or process structure innovation.

As the most promising clean energy in the 21st century, hydrogen energy is an important part of the future national energy system and an important carrier for energy terminals to achieve green and low-carbon transformation. However, under the background of "carbon peak and carbon neutralization", the traditional smelting process based on "carbon metallurgy" has been unable to adapt to the future development trend, which brings great challenges to the development of the steel industry. On September 2, at the first World Hydrogen Metallurgy Technology Exchange Conference, the founding of the joint work of hydrogen metallurgy standards, Yu Yong, Vice President of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, President of the World Iron and Steel Development Research Institute, and Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hegang Group, believed that with carbon peaking and carbon neutralization becoming the main theme of global industrial development, the traditional development mode of the steel industry must be deeply changed. Facing the future, the application of hydrogen energy, especially hydrogen metallurgy, is one of the best ways to achieve "low carbon" and even "zero carbon" emissions in the iron and steel industry, whether it is energy structure innovation or process structure innovation.

Zhang Cunman, deputy director of the New Energy Automobile Engineering Center of Tongji University, said that based on the estimation of green hydrogen production from renewable energy power, China's society has nearly 5 trillion kilowatt hours of surplus electricity, which can be converted into more than 100 million tons of green hydrogen, and the calorific value is equivalent to 470 million tons of coke. Based on the prediction data of the power system in 2060, the total amount of green hydrogen in 2060=100 million tons of green hydrogen on the power side+15 million tons of green hydrogen on the load side=115 million tons, including 50 million tons in the transportation field, 35 million tons in the metallurgy field, and 30 million tons in the chemical industry and other fields.

It should be noted that the global hydrogen energy storage and transmission system with low cost, diversified, safe and controllable is still facing challenges: first, it is lighter, and the hydrogen storage density per unit mass is increased from 4.5% to more than 6%; Second, the hydrogen storage capacity of a single equipment is increased from 100 kg to over t; Third, the service life of hydrogen cylinders has increased from 15 years to 30 years or even longer; Fourth, the hydrogen energy cost of the energy consumption terminal is reduced to less than 15 yuan/kg. "There is an urgent demand for hydrogen metallurgy technology in the industry, but the large-scale and low-cost hydrogen storage and transportation technology has great challenges." Zhang Cunman thinks.

It should be noted that the global hydrogen energy storage and transmission system with low cost, diversified, safe and controllable is still facing challenges: first, it is lighter, and the hydrogen storage density per unit mass is increased from 4.5% to more than 6%; Second, the hydrogen storage capacity of a single equipment is increased from 100 kg to over t; Third, the service life of hydrogen cylinders has increased from 15 years to 30 years or even longer; Fourth, the hydrogen energy cost of the energy consumption terminal is reduced to less than 15 yuan/kg. "There is an urgent demand for hydrogen metallurgy technology in the industry, but the large-scale and low-cost hydrogen storage and transportation technology has great challenges." Zhang Cunman thinks.

In fact, hydrogen metallurgy is a technology that uses hydrogen to partially or completely replace carbon as iron ore reductant and process raw material to realize iron ore deoxidation process. At present, China's hydrogen metallurgy is at the initial stage of exploration, and the research and development foundation of full hydrogen smelting is weak. It is extremely vulnerable to be controlled in terms of technology application. It is urgent to accelerate the research and development of new hydrogen metallurgy processes with independent intellectual property rights, so as to achieve the comprehensive transcendence of core technologies, key equipment, standard systems, research and development platforms and talent teams.

Jiang Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, believes that China, as the world's largest steel producer and steel consumer, has established the most complete and largest steel industry system in the global industry chain, equipped with the world's most advanced equipment, technology and technology, and provided the most abundant and complete steel products, which has incomparable comprehensive advantages in the world market, This makes China have enough reason and confidence to steadily enter the advanced ranks in the field of green and low-carbon technology innovation in the world, and maintain its advantages in the low-carbon competition with its peers in the world in the future.

The first World Hydrogen Metallurgy Technology Exchange Conference was hosted by the Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute, the World Iron and Steel Development Research Institute, and the Resources and Environment Research Branch of the China National Institute of Standardization, undertaken by Zhang Xuan Science and Technology of Hegang Group. It was conducted simultaneously with "live+live pictures". More than 200 representatives from relevant ministries, industry associations, research institutes, universities and steel enterprises participated in the conference. The live pictures attracted more than 110000 people's attention.